Page 194 - 2017 yearbook
P. 194

During the ‘You’re Amazing’ presentation, juniors Daniel Sanchez and Sebastian Jorge hug each other
                                                                  to demonstrate that they are not alone in their difficulties.  The presentation, which was two hours
                                                                  long, was held in the school gym, and made an obvious impact on both the students and the faculty.

           Walking in side by side, seniors Carlos Arazoza and Matthew Bec   At the end of the high school mass, altar servers senior Oscar Berlanga,   Helping out during the mass, sophomore Robert Curbelo hands Deacon
           prepare to carry the Eucharist and wine to the Altar.  Members of the   and juniors Nathaniel Munoz and Timothy Mackle lead the procession.    Prieto the chalice that was used to hold the Holy Communion. As an
           Peer ministry class were always on hand to help during the school   The altar servers worked closely wth Campus Ministry  to ensure that   altar server, Curbelo has been a member of Campus Ministry since he
           masses.                               all masses ran smoothly.                was in seventh grade.
                                                                    Home Grown Evangelists
                                                         By: Javier Hernandez

                  Campus Ministry was            of Campus Ministry brought to the      through the same situations and had
           responsible for taking care of all the   school.  The presentation included   more in common than expected.
           details that went into school wide    speaker Justin Fatica who reached             “It made everyone feel good
           masses, retreats, CLC, and so much    out to all students and faculty to     about themselves, and it showed
           more.  Basically, if it had to do with   make a change in their lives for the   how in the end, people really care
           the spiritual environment of the      better.                                about each other,” said sixth grader
           school, Campus Ministry was there,            He asked students who had      Christopher Collings.
           led by Mr. Roberto Artiz and assisted   experienced difficult moments in life       The presentation was
           by Mrs. Zilkia Jimenez and Javier     to stand up.  He then asked other      shown to the high school during the
           Vazquez.                              students who had gone through a        morning, the middle school during
                  One of the most memorable      similar ordeal to hug the individual.    the afternoon, and parents and
           moments last year was the “You’re     Before long, it became evident that    families were also invited to attend a
           Amazing” presentation that the office   many members of the audience lived   night time presentation.
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