Page 298 - 2017 yearbook
P. 298
Cesar Anton io
congratulat ions on all of your
~~~ accomplishments. We a re so proud
of you!! Be true t,o who you are.
Trust you rs-elf. Be a true ~r1 end and
a caring human be1ng. Be
compassionate to all beings. Stay
humble and always be grateful.
Embrace changes and live life to the
fu llest but lead by examp le.Live in
the present moment, knowing that
the future w111 be the reaping of
present 's choices. Find your passion·
and pursue it and be the best that __ _ _
you could be in this wor ld. We will
always be here for you. God bless E:======~~;:-~~----:-:i
you and we always love you
Mom, Dad. Isabella & Mamama