Page 314 - 2017 yearbook
P. 314
Tb8 ftr8t tlm8 I bald. JOO 1D. my
arms. you loobd UJ> at me WBh
tlQll8 big brown eyes 80d cocked
yom head to OD8 S1d8 81 If to aay.
"148, wily lO wmned? I got dltl. "
On yow 8r8t Clay of kl:ndelganeo,
you mardlld. to yom IMt. sa&
c1oWn. looked at me, oocked ,om
h8ac1 to 009 lldl. awl 18188d yow
eyet,row (a oeWly acQUlr8d aklll), 81
1f to aay. •14a. why 80 womed? I
got dltl ." I ban 88811 lhat Iooll: a
tbowumd tlmU : Wbeo you faced
d88dnnea. wh8n we w80t on
ad"8Ilhllll (1.8. goc lost). When life
tbr8W you CUl\f8 ba111; 80d witho1lt
fall. every time , you ,m it. -
Wh1dl Ju.clS WI CO Ulla momem .••
Here you me tranalt.loolng from
high 8Cbool to mll80I beyond.
Yoo are wmmg the IB8t cbapt8I of.
tb8 ftl8t boolt of yow life anc1
tnpanog to 1tart anew cbapt811D. a
new boolt. Aa you set off on th18
fflMZIDCJ Jowney. ltlDlembM you are
my drNJD8I , my Wdt81, my poet.
anc1 my scargazar. Wban llfe
cball.lDgU you. wmm JOO wonv
anc1 Wb8n you d.oUIJt, never fol~
JQ/6'01 THll'III
I Jove woo yon '¥8 l>HD, WIIO yoo
are, and Wbo you 818 b8coJD1DO. I
am IO Ylr)' l)!OOCI lncky to bl
Ou.8Ildo Sebastian,
Te au18!o con toda m1 alma.