Page 187 - 2017 yearbook
P. 187
Locked-in and Loaded By: Javier Arazoza
One of the most genuine and These activities included a motivational supervised many of the activities.
memorable school traditions was the speech from guest speaker Ed Gehrety, This event, which started at 8
Sixth Grade Lock-In. For one full night, a game of laser tag, video game PM Saturday night, ended the next day
the members of the Class of 2023 had competitions, and team building exercises. at 7 AM when the sixth grade class
the opportunity to sleep in the school The students were also guided and the senior class left the school
gymnasium and participate in several by members of the senior class who grounds excited, but depleted of all
fun activities with their new brothers. helped them along the way and energy after a long, unforgettable night.
Working as a unit, sixth graders Diego Milanesi, Lucas Amaya, Marcelo Morales, Andres Maderos, Shawn Martinez, and Michael Miro attempt to defeat
their opponent in a game of laser tag. After dinner, the students were very surprised to find that the gym had been converted into a Laser Tag Course.
Kicking off the night, Dean of Men Mr. Thomas De Motivating the students, guest speaker Ed Gehrety Working together for a common goal, a group of sixth Trying to defeat their opponent in a video game
Quesada gives the students a run-down of what gives a speech on events of his life in order to graders participate in team building excercies. competition, sixth graders Darrian Torres and
the Lock-In is all about and introduces them to the teach the young men valuable life lessons. Nicolas Torres De Navarra play against each other.
senior staff.