Page 211 - 2017 yearbook
P. 211

Brothers for Life                          By: Michael Aparicio

                    Just a couple of weeks shy of   sons throughout the ceremony.         man.
             graduation, the class of 2017 regrouped       “It was a great opportunity to        The seniors left with the clear
             one more time to participate in the    not only celebrate together as a class,   message they had been given, to reflect
             baccalaureate mass.  This important    but also to honor our mothers who do   on their last year in high school, and the
             event was held at Our Lady of Guadalupe   so much for us,” said senior Brandon   future that lies ahead.
             Catholic Church in Doral.              Toricella.                                   Also present to witness this
                    As is the custom, the mothers of       The mass was officiated by     memorable moment in the lives of the
             the seniors were escorted into the church  school president Father Willie Garcia-  seniors were their extended families,
             by their sons, and placed a single rose at   Tunon, SJ.  His homily was about the   members of the faculty, staff, and
             the altar.  They went on to sit next to their   ongoing theme of Esto Vir, or being a   administrators.

                                                                                       Seniors and their families stand to begin the Baccalaureate Mass at Our Lady
                                                                                                               of Guadalupe Catholic Church.

               Carrying the  Dominican flag, senior Juan San   Escorting his mom, Mrs. Ana Blanco, senior Francisco   At the podium, senior Agustin Leos reads the   After receiving the award for Peer Ministry, senior
              Martin makes his way into the church.  Some of   Blanco participates in the entrance procession.  The   responsorial psalm.  All the Jesuit priests from   Alejandro Carriazo poses for a picture with Father
              the seniors carried the flags of their heritage to   moms of the seniors carried a yellow rose, and placed   the school were there to witness this memorable   Willie Garcia-Tunon, SJ.  Carriazo was an active
              demonstrate the different nationalities found in   it at the feet of Our Lady of Guadalupe as they entered   event.  member of Peer Ministry for the past three years
                               the community.                   the church.
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