Page 206 - 2017 yearbook
P. 206

In full costume, the jazz band performs at the classic spooky Halloween Concert. The repertoire included spooky songs that
            kept the crowd on their feet throughout the performance.

            At the Christmas Concert, Ms. Marlene Urbay leads the concert   The jazz band performs a song that truly matches with Disney’s magic   At the spring concert, eighth grader Jose Pereira and freshman Andrew
            band. The Christmas Concert, which was held in the Roca Theater   and enchants the audience at the Festival Disney music competition.    Caldwell perform as a small ensemble. The music program grew so
            included a variety of performances from the different bands in the   All the bands that performed received superior ratings at this event.  extensively that they had to split the performances between middle
            music program.                                                                 and high school to accomodate the performers and their families.
                                                                          Treble Makers
                                                               By: Anthony Abinader

                  Anyone who walked past the              One of their most memorable     concert, the band had another
           Ignatian Center was bound to hear      performances was the Halloween          spectacular performance with the
           the sound of drums, horns, and string   concert, which took place in October.    Christmas concert.  This performance
           instruments coming from the band       Musicians dressed up in their favorite   was followed by the end of the year
           rooms. The music program included a    costumes and took the stage of the      concert, which was also held in the
           number of bands such as the concert    Roca Theater to play classical spooky   Roca Theatre.
           and the jazz band.  Not only did they   tunes, perfect for the season.                Amidst all their performances,
           learn to play the instruments and read         “When I play I always am        the band drove north in March to
           the music, but they also performed     hyped and want to do my best, ”said     participate in the annual Disney Music
           for audiences numerous times           musician  junior Placido Valdes.        Competition, where they received
           throughout the year.                           Shortly after the Halloween     superior ratings from the judges.
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