Page 241 - 2017 yearbook
P. 241
Nicholas R Curry
Cong ratulat ions. and w e- are ex(eptionaUy proud of
you. As you enter the next cha pte r in yo ur life-. w e-
will always be-w at.dling you from a distana!' as you
perf otm. Be Y-ou, don't allow anyone to define who
you are. You are ina ed ible.. outs:ta nding and
c.our.ageo us young man. Don"t live .ai life of "What
in" Inste ad, take dlances . Le am. grOW", exper ience.
cha nge and adjust_ Do as. much as you can and
exper ienc e-all yo u are abl e-. Dream big a nd chase
what you w ant _ Don't be-afraid of fa.jiu re an-d
alway s remember you are loved for just be ing you.