Page 244 - 2017 yearbook
P. 244

Con 9rat u lat 1ons  on your  ~p-c1d uat 1on  It  h as been  a
                                              to  vvitne ss all you  have  acco n1plished
                                                       du nng yo ur yea rs at  Belen . You  have mcide us so
                                                       proud  of all you  have .:ichieved  as a student.  and

                                                       even  n1ore  pro ud of thf•  12x(cpt11ona l young  n 1,H1
                                                       you have beco rne . r,,,1ay God alv, .. .ays he you r DU1d e !

                                                        Love.  Di:,d; r,/Jo rn,. Gab 1f Viv ,, Abu ,. r·~in.a and  Nino

                                                         Christian  A. Delgado
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