Page 200 - 2017 yearbook
P. 200

During the Living Stations of the Cross, senior Pedro Garcia
                                                                                              plays the role of Jesus during his last moments on Earth.
                                                                                              The Living Sations of the Cross began in the amphitheater,
                                                                                              proceeded around the campus, and ended in the central patio.

            During the Ash Wednesday Mass, senior Marcus Diaz receives the   In the central patio, students and faculty participate in the Stations of   Helping Hands, the student-led club, gets ready for a busy day as
            ashes from Father Willie Garcia-Tunon, SJ.  This mass marked the   the Cross during homeroom.  This event was led by students through the   they work to prepare meals for the homeless.  Service and selfless
            beginning of the Lenten season.       office of Campus Ministry, and theology teacher Mrs. Sylvia Davalos.  giving were some of the main elements of Lent, and there was never
                                                                                          a shortage of student volunteers.
                                                                   Live Your Life Like Jesus
                                                         By: Michael Aparicio

                   Kicking off the season of Lent,  special masses, the Living Stations of   of Christ on school grounds.  Senior
            Ash Wednesday was the starting         the Cross, service opportunities, and   Pedro Garcia played the part of Jesus
            point for Christians everywhere to     the call for penance.                 as he carried the cross around the
            prepare for the coming of Christ.             “My favorite part of Lent      school.  Students and their families
            The 40 day period was a time for       was making sandwiches for the         as well as faculty and staff took part
            repenting, giving alms, and fasting    homeless,” said sixth grader Jake     in this emotional event.
            in preparation for Easter. The         Camejo.  “It felt good to know that          “Lent is important because it
            student body and faculty celebrated    my hands were helping someone.”       is a time to better yourself by fasting
            throughout Lent by including a                The culminating event of the   from things that would lead you away
            number of events throughout the day.   season was the Living Stations of the   from God, and grow closer to him,”
                   Some of those events            Cross.  In this event, students took   said freshman Christopher Fraga-
            included the Stations of the Cross,    part in a reenactment of the Passion   Vasquez.
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