Page 205 - 2017 yearbook
P. 205

Men with Voices                           By: Xavier Cerrate

                    The choir has been a tradition in   school alike practiced long hours before   practice was no easy task, since it was
             the school for years.  They were a pivotal   each performance to fully prepare   not a class or part of the daily curriculum.
             part of the school wide masses, as well as   themselves for the specific events.  Members of the choir found any little
             other school events.                          “It’s always fun singing new songs   free time they had to practice the songs.
                    Mainly lending their voices to the   for the choir, no matter what the event   Many students headed to choir practice
             masses performed at the school, they also   may be,” said sophomore Gabriel Lugo.  immediately after eating lunch.
             sang for many public events such as           The middle school choir was led        “It’s good to be able to serve in
             Tombola, the eighth grade pin ceremony,   by music teacher Ms. Karen Ortiz and the   the mass this way because it creates a
             the blessing of the new chapel, and even   high school choir was led by theology   deeper connection between God for the
             the graduation mass, among others.     teacher Mr. Jonathan Sanchez.         students watching as well as the singers,”
                    Both middle school and high            Finding time for the choir to   said junior Javier Fraga.

             Members of the middle and high school choir sing at the Mass of the Immaculate Conception in the Roca Theater.
             The middle school  choir was led by Ms. Karen Ortiz and included volunteer students from all grade levels.

             At a high school mass, junior Placido Valdes, sophomore Sion Bissessar and junior Eric Lastres sing during the   In the Roca Theater, eighth grader Jose Gonzalez and seventh grader David Gonzalez sing during a middle
                       Responsorial Psalm.  Students from all grade levels were welcomed to join the school choir.  school mass.  The masses were often divided by Middle and High School to accommodate all the students
                                                                                                           and deliver an age-appropriate message.
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