Page 203 - 2017 yearbook
P. 203

Curtain Calls                              By: Dustin Duprey

                    Ready on the set! The         the novel “The Outsiders” in the       Above: During the production of “The Outsiders”,  freshman
                                                                                        Heinz Ludeking, seniors Javier Mederos, Steven Calles and Danny
             school was known for many            first semester and the musical,       Martinez, eighth grader Luis Salazar, freshman Mariana Isabella
             things such as sports and            “A Funny Thing Happened on the        Sanchez,and sophomore Dustin Duprey hold a conversation about
                                                                                        happenings around town.  The cast members rehearsed for this
             academic achievements, but           Way to the Forum” in the second       play for three months.
             one thing about this school that     semester.
                                                                                        On the opposite page:  The characters known as the Proteans,
             was surely unforgettable was the             Each show was performed       freshman Heinz Ludeking, sophomores Beltran Ulloa and Dustin
             Humanities Program.                  not only for the students of the      Duprey perform in the opening number as pirates as they take a
                                                                                        pair of baby twins from the house of Erronius in a scene from “A
                    Under the direction of        school, but also for the general      Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum”.
             drama teachers Mr. Leo Williams      public who appreciated the fine       In a scene from “The Outsiders,” freshmen Heinz Ludeking, senior
                                                                                        Danny Martinez, and sophomore Dustin Duprey hear troubling
             and Mr. Francisco Padura, two        arts.                                 news from doctor freshmen Kristian Perez and nurse junior Adriana
             different plays were produced                “The theater is a temple,     In a scene from “The Outsiders,” seniors Javier Mederos, Gustavo
             during the school year.  The         where we celebrate tragedy            Gonzales, Alexis Phelps, Kevin Lemus, and freshmen Kayla Conde
                                                                                        have a run in with each other at a local drive in movie.
             thespian troupe, along with the      and comedy,”said senior Javier        In the play “The Outsiders,” senior Steven Calles’ character mourns
             actresses from other schools,        Mederos, who had a role in both       over eighth grader Luis Salazar who is in the hospital.
                                                                                        In the play “A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum,”
             put together one play in the first   the play and musical.                 juniors Trish Elliot, Adriana Dulzaides, sophomore Nicole Chiarella,
             semester and a musical in the                Both productions were         senior Emily Jarrel and freshman Mariella Sanchez gaze upon
                                                                                        senior Steven Calles in awe.
             spring.                              an immediate success that             In “A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum,” sophomore
                                                                                        Andres Larrea appears on stage to sing about his first love.
                    The productions last year     entertained and inspired the          Playing the character of Marcus Lycus, freshmen Kristian Perez
             consisted of a stage adaptation of  audience.                              persuades senior Javier Mederos into buying his merchandise.
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